Dr. Isamu Hayashi, April, 2010 in Oxnard.
Computer Engineer in network and software area for more than 20 years in Japan and
the USA.
Ph.D degree in Control Engineering in 1988, Sophia University, Tokyo Japan
Master degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981, the North-east Heavey Machinery Institute, China
Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering in 1977, the North-east Heavey Machinery Institute, China
Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps, Ke Shan Heilongjiang, China.
The No.6 middle school & high school in Beijing, China.
The Dong Jiao Min Xiang elementary school in Beijing, China.
Grown up in China; Studied in Japan; Working in USA.
Hobby: writting none fiction novels, breed Shihtzu puppy.
U.S. citizenship.